Slack Us

Issue summary:
Starting around 6:00 a.m. PST on January 4, 2021, some customers started experiencing occasional errors and increased latency while using Slack. Around 7:00 a.m. PST there was a rapid increase in errors and Slack wasn’t usable for all customers.
Around 8:13 a.m. PST, we addressed an issue with our provisioning service and began provisioning healthy servers once again to address traffic requests. From there, at 8:45 a.m. PST, some customers began to see improvements, but others who were trying to launch their Slack clients were unable to do so. By around 9:15 a.m. PST most customers were able to use Slack again. We continued to experience elevated errors until 10:40 a.m. PST, after which all customers were able to use Slack again.
We also discovered some customers were stuck on a webpage in the Slack desktop app. This is a separate bug that’s being investigated, but was heightened during the outage. Troubleshooting steps, such as restarting, forcing quitting Slack from Activity Monitor or Task Manager, or clearing cache, allowed affected customers to access the app once again.
We know our customers rely on Slack. Our top priorities are working alongside our cloud vendors to fully understand the underlying causes of the outage and putting safeguards in place to prevent similar problems from happening again. If you’d like to receive a full Root Cause Analysis (RCA) report, please reach out to to request one.

  1. Already use Slack? Sign in so we can tailor your support experience. If that’s not possible, we’d still like to hear from you. Your chat is in progress. Don’t worry about taking notes — we’ll send you a copy of the chat at the end of the conversation.
  2. Join Paracosm on Slack. 388 users are registered so far. I agree to the Code of Conduct.

To get started, sign in at See the official documentation for how to use Slack generally, and the following sub-pages for information about Slack at TTS: Getting started & rules. User management. Integrations (apps, bots) External collaboration. Records management.

5:04 PM PST


Англо-русский железнодорожный словарь. 2013.

Slack Usc

Смотреть что такое 'slack' в других словарях:

  • Slack — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Andrew Slack (* 1955), australischer Rugbyspieler Charles E. Slack, US amerikanischer Basketballspieler Charles Roger Slack (* 1937), britischer Biochemiker und Pflanzenphysiologe Freddie Slack (1910–1965) … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Slack — Slack, a. [Compar. {Slacker}; superl. {Slackest}.] [OE. slak, AS. sleac; akin to OS. slak, OHG. slah, Prov. G. schlack, Icel. slakr, Sw. slak; cf. Skr. s[.r]j to let loose, to throw. Cf. {Slake}.] Lax; not tense; not hard drawn; not firmly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slack — slack1 [slak] adj. [ME slakke < OE slæc, akin to Du slak < IE base * (s)lēg , loose, slack > L laxus, lax] 1. slow; idle; sluggish 2. barely moving: said of a current, as of air or water 3. characterized by little work, trade, or… … English World dictionary

  • Slack — Slack, Slacken Slack en, v. t. 1. To render slack; to make less tense or firm; as, to slack a rope; to slacken a bandage. Wycklif (Acts xxvii. 40) [1913 Webster] 2. To neglect; to be remiss in. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] Slack not the pressage.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slack — may refer to: *John Bamford Slack, British politician and lay preacher *William Yarnel Slack, Confederate general killed in the American Civil War *Slack (project management), a term used in project management *Slack, West Yorkshire, a village in … Wikipedia

  • Slack — [slɛk , engl.: slæk], der; s [engl. slack = Flaute, zu: slack = locker, lose, flau] (Wirtsch.): Überschuss an [finanziellen] Mitteln eines Unternehmens, der sich in Erfolgszeiten ansammelt u. als Reserve für Krisenzeiten dient. * * * Slack … … Universal-Lexikon

  • Slack — Slack, Slacken Slack en, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Slacked}, {Slackened}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Slacking}, {Slackening}.] [See {Slack}, a.] 1. To become slack; to be made less tense, firm, or rigid; to decrease in tension; as, a wet cord slackens in dry… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slack — Ⅰ. slack [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) not taut or held tightly in position; loose. 2) (of business or trade) not busy; quiet. 3) careless, lazy, or negligent. 4) (of a tide) neither ebbing nor flowing. ► NOUN 1) … English terms dictionary

  • slack — [adj1] loose, baggy; inactive dull, easy, feeble, flabby, flaccid, flexible, flimsy, inert, infirm, laggard, lax, leisurely, limp, not taut, passive, quaggy, quiet, relaxed, sloppy, slow, slow moving, sluggish, soft, supine, unsteady, weak;… … New thesaurus

  • Slack — Slack, adv. Slackly; as, slack dried hops. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slack — Slack, n. The part of anything that hangs loose, having no strain upon it; as, the slack of a rope or of a sail. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English



Slack Usf

  • Essential Developmental Biology, Jonathan M. W. Slack. Developmental biology is at the core of biological science, integrating molecular biology, genetics and anatomy. The past 15 years has seen revolutionary advances not only in our… ПодробнееКупить за 12877.82 рубэлектронная книга
  • The Science of Stem Cells, Jonathan M. W. Slack. Introduces all of the essential cell biology and developmental biology background for the study of stem cells This book gives you all the important information you need to become a stem cell… ПодробнееКупить за 8108.47 рубэлектронная книга
  • The Handbook for Student Leadership Development, Craig Slack. Praise for the Second Edition of The Handbook for Student Leadership Development«This is a must-have book for leadership educators and all student affairs professionals who want to develop… ПодробнееКупить за 4246.91 рубэлектронная книга
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