

  1. Transform Picture To Cartoon
  2. Transform Pictures Into Drawing
  3. Image To Image Link Converter
  4. Transform Picture Into Anime
4D v15.6

Cartoonize Anything. It all started with an expensive device called a rotoscope. Now you can do the same thing with your photos, online and for free! Impress your friends & family by cartoonizing them, too! Create 8-Bit Style Pixel Art from image online with our tool, you can create an animated gif with 8 bit art style from one image. Convert your images to JPG and PNG in seconds with Shutterstock's free file converter. Just drag, drop, and change the format of your image, picture or photo. Shopping online shouldn't cost you peace of mind. Buy from millions of online stores without sharing your financial information. TransformPicture is a utility for batch scaling, trimming, reflecting, perspective distorting, flipping, and rotating pictures by a given percentage and degrees, and then converting to other graphic formats: PNG, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, JPEG200, GIF, and PICT. Drop multiple files or folders onto the application in the Finder, or onto the main window.


Transform Picture To Cartoon

TRANSFORM PICTURE ( picture ; operator {; param1 {; param2 {; param3 {; param4}}}} )
picture PictureSource picture to be transformed
Resulting picture after transformation
operator LongintType of transformation to be done
param1 RealTransformation parameter
param2 RealTransformation parameter
param3 RealTransformation parameter
param4 RealTransformation parameter

Transform Pictures Into Drawing


The TRANSFORM PICTURE command applies a transformation of the operator type to the picture passed in the picture parameter.

Note: This command extends the functionalities offered by conventional picture transformation operators (+/, etc., see the Picture Operators section). These operators remain entirely usable in 4D.

The source picture is modified directly after execution of the command. Note that certain operations are not destructive and can be reversed by performing the opposite operation or by means of the “Reset” operation. For example, a picture reduced to 1% will regain its original size with no alteration if it is enlarged by a factor of 100 subsequently. Transformations do not modify the original picture type: for example, a vectorial picture will remain vectorial after its transformation.

In operator, pass the number of the operation to be carried out and in param, the parameter(s) needed for this operation (the number of parameters depends on the operation). You can use one of the constants of the 'Picture Transformation' theme in operator. These operators and their parameters are described in the following table:

operator (value)param1param2param3param4ValuesCancellable
Reset (0)------
Scale (1)WidthHeight--FactorsYes
Translate (2)X axisY axis--PixelsYes
Flip horizontally (3)----Yes
Flip vertically (4)----Yes
Crop (100)X Orig.Y Orig.WidthHeightPixelsNo
Fade to grey scale (101)- - - -No
Transparency (102)RGB color---HexadecimalNo
  • Reset: All matrix operations carried out on the picture (scale, flip, and so on) are undone.
  • Scale: The picture is resized horizontally and vertically according to the values passed respectively in param1 and param2. These values are factors: for example, to enlarge the width by 50%, pass 1.5 in param1 and to reduce the height by 50%, pass 0.5 in param2.
  • Translate: The picture is moved by param1 pixels horizontally and by param2 pixels vertically. Pass a positive value to move to the right or towards the bottom and a negative value to move to the left or towards the top.
  • Flip horizontally and Flip vertically: The original picture is flipped. Any movement that was carried out beforehand will not be taken into account.
  • Crop: The picture is cropped starting from the point of the param1 and param2 coordinates (expressed in pixels). The width and height of the new picture is determined by the param3 and param4 parameters. This transformation cannot be undone.
  • Fade to grey scale: The picture is switched to gray scale (no parameter is required). This transformation cannot be undone.
  • Transparency: A transparency mask is applied to the picture based on the color passed in param1. For example, if you pass 0x00FFFFFF (white color) in param1, all the white pixels in the original picture will be transparent in the transformed picture. This operation can be applied to bitmap or vector pictures. By default, if the param1 parameter is omitted, the color white (0x00FFFFFF) is set as the target color. This function is specially designed to handle transparency in pictures converted from the deprecated PICT format pictures, but can be used with pictures of any type. This transformation cannot be undone.

Here is an example of cropping a picture (the picture is displayed in the form with the “Truncated (non-centered)” format):

You want to set the white parts of a picture to transparent. To do this, you can use the following code:

TRANSFORM PICTURE(Pict1;Transparency;0x00FFFFFF) //0x00FFFFFF is white

You will get the following result:

Transform Picture Into Anime

Picture Operators